Friday, October 30, 2009
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: hey
You: what is your name?
Stranger: fat albert
Stranger: yours?
You: alay
You: hahahaha lol
You: oh, just kidding, my name is lady gogon
Stranger: oh
Stranger: thats like the name of a drink
You: drink?
Stranger: yea
You: drink named lady gogon?
Stranger: yea
You: hahaha
Stranger: :D
Stranger: thats a rather exotic name
You: of course
Stranger: so
Stranger: what do you do for a living
You: my mother's name is cepirit
You: and my father's name is bool
You: what do you think?
Stranger: sounds interesting
You: asl?
Stranger: told ya
Stranger: im fat albert
Stranger: 21
Stranger: divorced
You: im lady gogon
Stranger: age?
Stranger: thats sound hot
You: 14
Stranger: like the name of a drink
You: indonesia
Stranger: sexy
You: what? sexy?
You: hahahaha lol
Stranger: lol
Stranger: so
Stranger: what are you doing?
You: i not doing anything
Stranger: well
Stranger: ur bored
Stranger: like me
You: yes
You: you are jablay, right?
Stranger: jablyay?
You: jablay
You: J A B L A Y
You: jablay is a smart person
You: very very smart
Stranger: oh
Stranger: yea I am
Stranger: how did you know
You: i can read your mind
Stranger: really?
Stranger: what am I thinking now!
You: jablay
Stranger: no!
You: you still dont understand about jablay, right?
You: hahahaha, lol
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: i googled it lol
Stranger: hey im not from indonesia, how the hell was I supposed to know
You: so, are you understand what is jablay?
Stranger: well
Stranger: not really
Stranger: lol... D=
Stranger: its no that you told me, i know that
You: so? what is jablay?
Stranger: yea
You: jablay is very very smart person
You: mampus, kaga tau kan lu??
You: you dont understand what is jablay?
Stranger: its a very smart person
Stranger: like a nerd?
Stranger: or a geek?
You: no, jablay is like proffesor
Stranger: then, what was the joke?
You: no, i'm not kidding.
You: you are jablay
You: that means, you are jablay
You: and youare smart
Stranger: why are you calling me that O.o
You: like proffesor
You: because you are smart
You: ok, lets change the topic. i confused
You: what about cepirit?
Stranger: me too lol
You: do you know cepirit?
Stranger: ur mom?
You: yes, cepirit is my mother's name. but cepirit means somthing
You: *something
You: cepirit = luck
You: in english we say, "GOOD LUCK!"
You: but in indonesia we say "CEPIRIT"
Stranger: oh i see
You: oh, i must go to the bookstore to buy a new comic book, goodbye!
You: cepirit!
Stranger: good bye :)

tukang ngibul lu peh, gue ngakak tadi
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